

October 2022

Linea Ferroviaria Évora Norte e Elvas/Caia do Corredor Internacional Sul – Subtroço Évora Norte – Freixo, Subtroço Freixo – Alandroal, Subtroço Alandroal – Linha do Leste


Agom has provided POT V-Max bearings for the viadutcs, elastomeric bearings type E-Link for the overpasses, fluid viscous dampers and fluid spring dampers for some viaducts with design forces up to 8500 kN and design displacement up to 770 mm. All the bearings and seismic protection devices (dampers) have been designed according to EN1337 and [...]

Linea Ferroviaria Évora Norte e Elvas/Caia do Corredor Internacional Sul – Subtroço Évora Norte – Freixo, Subtroço Freixo – Alandroal, Subtroço Alandroal – Linha do Leste2022-10-17T08:31:32+01:00

December 2019

NEO SISMOS – Nuova Sicurezza Sismica


Il progetto NEO SISMOS-Nuova Sicurezza Sismica è stato realizzato grazie al partenariato tra Agom International s.r.l (capofila), Der-gom s.r.l., Politecnico di Milano e stC s.r.l. Il Progetto ha sviluppato la filiera della ricerca, dello sviluppo, dell’innovazione di prodotto nel settore antisismico, in una prospettiva di intervento sul patrimonio edilizio, sia esistente che di nuova costruzione, [...]

NEO SISMOS – Nuova Sicurezza Sismica2020-12-14T15:14:03+01:00

June 2019

Spherical Bearings


Agom has designed and manufactured spherical bearings up to 40000 kN vertical load and 7200 horizontal load. The bearings had a suitable design in order to be hung to the steel deck before it was moved into its final position and to fit the available installation space on the pier cap with limitation due to [...]

Spherical Bearings2020-12-10T09:50:55+01:00

October 2016

Ionia Road


In July 2016, for the Section S3 of Ionia Road in Greece, AGOM supplies more than 150 m of standard elastomeric reinforced expansion joints with movements up to ±100 mm and more than 45 m of large elastomeric reinforced expansion joints with movements up to ±300 mm.

Ionia Road2016-10-05T13:55:40+01:00

4ème Rocade d’Alger


Since May 2016 AGOM supplies more than 900 m large elastomeric reinforced bearings for the Lot 1 and 2 of the 4ème Rocade d'Alger in Algeria.

4ème Rocade d’Alger2016-10-05T13:48:19+01:00

Ras Al Khor Crossing


In March 2016 AGOM supplies more than 400 m of elastomeric reinforced expansion joints for the project of Ras Al Khor Crossing in Dubai.

Ras Al Khor Crossing2016-10-05T13:09:59+01:00
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